Introducing the Book
"The Glory of The Son" is the second book in a series released by Assembly Testimony Publications in Northern Ireland. The title selections for many of the books begin with the words "The Glory of". Whether it was in the early days of the church, or today, we are confronted with those who would seek to diminsh the glories that belong to the Son of God. The apostle John wrote in his gospel account,
"That all should honor the Son just as they honor the Father. He who does not honor the Son does not honor the Father who sent Him." (John 5:23, NKJV).
We are reminded by the Apostle Paul that one of the great purposes of the gifts given to the local church, is that through the use of them we will come to a fuller "knowledge of the Son of God". (Ephesians 4:13, NKJV) Let us engage our minds and hearts in a most worthwhile pursuit of a deeper appreciation of the glories that belong to our Lord Jesus Christ.
Contents of the Book
In the forward of the book, the editor Roy Reynolds writes, "There can be no more engaging theme or more glorious subject than the Person of Christ". This book contains 13 chapters, written by various assembly writers, that deal with various aspects of the Person of Christ. The chapters in the book are titled, The Eternality of His Sonship, the Deity of His Person, The Humanity of His Person, The Impeccability of His Person, The Beauty of His Ministry, The Efficacy of His Sacrifice, The Victory of His Resurrection, The Majesty of His Ascension, The Sympathy of His Priesthood, The Reality of His Coming, The Glory of His Appearing, The Supremacy of His Reign, and The Solemnity of His Judgement.
Access to the Book
In the closing remarks of the preface in the book, Brian Currie, N. Ireland and the editor of Assembly Testimony Magazine writes, "We do pray that this book will be for the honour of our Lord Jesus and as the people of God read it, they will find themselves growing "in grace and in the knowledge of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ"". (2 Peter 3:18)
This book would be a welcome addition to any personal library and will be added to the local assembly library. The entire book can be freely read online by visiting the Assembly Testimony Publication Website. For those who would like their own print copy, contact Jack Palmer, 24 Edenvale, Crossgar, BT30 9PU, N. Ireland, or by e-mail The cost of publication and postage is met by Assembly Testimony Publications which is supported through the exercise of the Lord' s people.